Sunday, October 21, 2007

Dr. Who is out.

Dr. No is in. That's right I am voting for Ron Paul. No question in my mind. He is my candidate. I have several reason for this. First Ron Paul political views are in line with mine. He believes in free trade. He is against taxes. He doesn't see it as America's job to police the world. He see the constitution as the governing document of America. Second I feel America needs a radical candidate. We need someone who is out to make change. We need someone who believes limiting the government goes beyond a tax cut. Someone who doesn't believe in 'four year plans.' Change is needed. Hope is needed.


Kaitlyn said...

personally, i like huckabee. but each to his own.

Natalie said...

My dad would like you.

Unknown said...

But Ron Paul is pro-choice state-by-state. :(

Matt said...

Yes, but the president only has federal power.

I agree with Dr. Paul on a the issues facing the presidency, that is why he gets my vote.

Plus I have never seen evidence of such.

Anonymous said...

to Josh: Ron Paul isn't pro-choice, he's pro state's rights. He doesn't believe in national laws [Roe v. Wade] that take away the rights of states to decide on the issue. Ron Paul is 100% pro-life.

Lisa said...

Posting about Ron Paul = amazing way to get comments.

You should try posting something ANTI Ron Paul.

You'd get even more comments.

Half of them would contain swear words, though. :-P Not everybody on the internet is as polite as they should be.

P.S. Actually, I agree with you on Ron Paul. Great, great guy.

P.P.S. Josh, Dr. Paul thinks that abortion is a state issue, yes, but he is totally pro-life. He would like to overturn Roe vs. Wade.