Sunday, October 21, 2007

Dr. Who is out.

Dr. No is in. That's right I am voting for Ron Paul. No question in my mind. He is my candidate. I have several reason for this. First Ron Paul political views are in line with mine. He believes in free trade. He is against taxes. He doesn't see it as America's job to police the world. He see the constitution as the governing document of America. Second I feel America needs a radical candidate. We need someone who is out to make change. We need someone who believes limiting the government goes beyond a tax cut. Someone who doesn't believe in 'four year plans.' Change is needed. Hope is needed.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The 'perfect' form of government

There is a saying I used to like. Socialism is the perfect form of government. The problem it only works with perfect people. I have recently decided that this is actually full of crap. Socialism isn't the perfect form of government. It's oppressive and totalitarian no matter what.

Think about it if we had perfect people we wouldn't have a lot of the issues we have today. No one would try to kill each other. No one would steal. no one would lie. There would be no crime, no war, no hate. It would be prefect. Without those issue we really have no need for a government. Police force? Nope. Army? No. Laws? No. Fire department(first we wouldn't make stupid mistakes that start fires, second everyone would help out)? No. We would have no need for government. No need for someone to hold our hand and protect us. Anarchy is in fact the perfect form of government.

Now obviously people aren't perfect. We all make mistakes. People kill. We have war. People rob and lie to each other. However that doesn't make these ideals any less valuable. They have the same amount of worth. Yes we need a government, but need the smallest one possible. Why does the government have the right to decide what is or isn't taught in schools. Why should it be able to regulate what we learn? What gives it the right to decide how fast we should drive? Why does it get to say we have to pay more for foreign goods than domestic ones? Why does it get to tell us what marriage is? The government's job is to protect life, not regulate it. The government's job is to protect liberty, no limit it. The government's job is to administer justice, not abusive it. Yet it fails. The government isn't limited. It isn't controlled. Government needs something to stop it. It needs something to keep it in check. That something is us, the people. it is our job to strive for perfect government, our duty to check and limited it.

Stay Free, Matt.

Monday, October 1, 2007

And yet they wonder

I was just perusing Google News for something to blog about, yes now you know the secret to my success, and came across an article about Justice Clarence Thomas. I clicked on the article and found myself on the LA Times website. This particular article was about Justice Thomas memoirs. I'm using the term article loosely here, it was really more of a diatribe. About half way through this article which is essentially an ad homonin on Justice Thomas it accuses of calling the press biased. Wait for one second, the press isn't biased? Am I in an alternate reality? Did we win Vietnam? Do I have super powers? Honestly, the press is always going to be biased. Get over it.

Now I'd like to touch on why Justice Thomas and the press don't get along. It really has to do with Justice Thomas, the media can't stand anyone who doesn't agree with them. Now if that's person happens to be a African-American this goes through to roof. The Media has made a practice of lying to the public, they don't want us to think. The play up class warfare. They play the race card. Anyone who doesn't agree with them comes under fire, but it's worse for the African-Americans who do so. Justice Thomas, Larry Elder, anyone else who thinks logically comes under the attack of the media.

And yet they wonder why people who disagree with them all them biased. Get a clue.

Stay Free, Matt.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

'Christianized' Health Care.

Hi everyone, I hate to say it, but this post does steam from Oprah. No I don't watch the show, but I did happen to see a few minutes on Thursday. I digress.

Micheal Moore along with several other people who I've never heard of were on the show. The subject? Socialized Health care. Now frankly I have no problem with them advocating that system, although it does lessen my already low opinions of them, but then Mr. Moore made a comment that really rubbed me the wrong way. He doesn't like the phrase socialized health care, he'd rather call it Christianized Health care, and went on to 'quote' the Bible to 'prove' his point. By quote I mean he talked about how in the Bible Jesus says to feed the hungry etc. By prove I mean make a total Red Herring. By Red Herring I mean He takes the word Socialism out of the picture(it was referred to as an ugly word, and not without reason) and sets up Christians as hypocrites, which is rumored to be his favorite past time after hanging a frozen Han Solo on his wall. Wait...

My issues with Mr. Moore's statement: First, Nowhere in the Bible, does it ever say that it's the government's duty to mandate charity. The idea that the government should force people to help other people is completely un-Biblical. Charity comes from the heart, if anything taxes should be cut to give the individual more resources to use for charity.

Second, such a system is so amazingly un democratic that I cringe at the thought of such a system being in a democracy. Even if socialized Health care was implemented by the Democracy, it still ignores the rights of the majority and harms the majority.

Third let's look at how this happens. On Oprah Mr. Moore talked about how a women with cancer from (insert a different state than the one in which you reside) should receive government aid to fight her cancer. Nice idea, but then we think about something, government aid means you money. It means my money. Essentially Mr. Moore would have us sit in front of a Doctor's office and have us give every person who comes out a bit of our income. Now this completely erodes the meaning of the same Bible Passage he quoted earlier. Christianity is a religion of free will. No one is forced to accepted it, Christianity is a choice, a choice with eternal consequences, but a choice. If we are not given the choice to help people we lose any Christian aspect to Mr. Moore's semantics.

I'd also like to point out that renaming a bad system doesn't make it any better, Socialism is just that, Socialism. Socialism is in fact the perfect form of government, we all share we all get along. We're all happy. Socialism is the perfect form of government, but has a snowball's chance in Hell actually working. This perfect form of government requires perfect people. For socialism to work it has to have not a single greedy person involved, and since we have no perfect people to test that on it's only a theory. In reality we don't have perfect people making this perfect form of government far for perfect. The government will always be fallible, people will never be prefect.

Stay Free, Matt.